Best base of clash of clans thownhall 6

11:19 AM

 Clash of Clans th6

Best layout in coc17:

Townhall 6 is the most important base in coc cz it have many thing batter and improve our lyf style.
Edvanced guide very straightforward and easy to follow my comand.All player should have 3 builders by Town Hall 6, so the guide
assumes this builder hut count.
Each  one builder should follow the recommended work.
When these high-priority Town Hall 6 upgrades are finished,
those builders can then start working on the tasks listed later
in this article, completing each task in order before moving on
to the after task.
Builder 1st . Laboratory > Army Camp #2
The first builder should immediately begin work on upgrading
the Laboratory. Researching new trops of units is the biggest
 at Town Hall 6, so it is important to upgrade the lab
and start this research right away in time.
As soon as this builder is finished upgrading the lab, start
researching one of the newly available unit upgrades. Have this
builder then begin to upgraded one of the army camps up to the
new max level.
Builder 2nd . Spell Factory > Army Camp 3
The second builder should focus on upgrading the Spell
Factory from level 1 to level next 2. This will give the player access
to the Healing Spell as well as allow the player to create two
spells. Healing Spells will significantly
increase your farming capabilities and will make it easier to
farm resources, which is why the Spell Factory is high on this
As soon as the Spell Factory is finished, this builder should
then begin work on upgrading the final Army Camp to level
up max.
Builder 3rd . Place New Walls > Upgrade Army Camp 1 >
Upgrade Clan Castle
The third builder should begin work at Town Hall 6 by placing
the new walls. Since all the upgrades we are focusing on first
cost Elixir, it may be useful to dump some gold into these new
walls and upgrade them equal level among all.
As soon as the walls are take placed, start upgrading the first Army
Camp to level 6 max. Army Camps are a high-priority upgrade since
the extra supply count will noticeably improve the strength of
your attacks.
After the Army Camp upgrading end, have this builder
start upgrading the Clan Castle to max level of th 6. The extra 5 supply
offered by the upgraded Clan Castle will improve both end.
After High Priority TH6 Upgrades
As soon as each builder finishes his high-priority tasks accordingly,
start working on the tasks below, going all of them in order.
Task 1st . Adding New Towers & Rearrange  full Base
Players get access to a new Mortar 1 and Wizard Tower 1 at Town
Hall 6. Start constructing these two towers to max level of th6. As soon as
construction on these two towers has on, rearrange your
base to match my Town Hall 6 Base below….
Task 2nd . Upgrading Barracks
After adding your new towers, take one builder and have this
builder focus on upgrading all Barracks to the new maximum
level of th6. I recommend only having 1 of builder dedicated to this task
at all the time as Barracks are unable to produce units while
upgrading. If you have all of your Barracks upgrading at the
same time, you will not be able to train trops. Have your remaining
builders start on Task 3rd .
Task 3rd . Upgrading Defensive Towers
Once you have completed the rest of the upgrades laid out in
this guide, you can start upgrading defensive towers. Upgrading
defensive towers at TH6 is not a very high priority, as it is very
hard to defend your resources at TH6 no matter what level. The reason is that TH7 attacker.
There is no solution of that issue rather than up your townhall to level 7,8,9
Follow next post for th7 thank you.
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